These are just random pictures that people have requested (*ahem...vicky..^^), such as my apartment, my room, roommates, and my community. Enjoy!
**Key: [P] = Caption for the above picture**

[P] My official nametag!!! I need to wear it everywhere I go when I am working or attending class. Yay! It's soooo pretty! I feel so special! I'm so happy that instead of saying Hunter College on it, it says that I'm from New York. I'm a proud New Yorker! haha ^_^

[P] My housing ID, which is for the Vista Way apartments. I need to show this when I enter my apartment complex, and also when we are taking the shuttles

[P] My Disney ID, used to clock in and clock out, and also to enter any Disney centers or use their facilities.

[P] The back of my Disney ID. Notice the "SafeD", because safety always comes first!!! hahahaha -_-'''

[P] My business attire w/ nametag to attend my Traditions class and Training

[P] Another closeup of me and my nametag, yay

[P] 4 hours of going over these books in our Traditions class...Zzzz...

[P] 1st day of Disney during checkin process. The folder to the left was sooooo pretty, I just had to take a pic of it and show it off (The inside of the folder is below this. The two dividers of the folder are actually designed as clouds. Kawaii!). However, the things it contained were not interesting, haha. It was full of our employment forms and working policies.
The red book on the right was just a calendar that they gave us during our check-in process. It was an extremely cute calendar! (The picture below has the closeup of its inside)

[P] Inside of the calendar on the right, and the left is an entire book about Disney's outlook and how we should dress both inside and outside of the company. From the hair length to not allowed to wear bracelets to tucking in our costumes properly to the specific design and color of our shoes and socks.
Pictures of my Apartment and the entire complex will be posted later (maybe tomorrow), I apologize to my avid readers! Please be patient!
Haha, this is great. Nothing like waking up early on a Saturday morning and seeing how well you've fared in Disney.
Btw, your professional outfit looks great! Now we just need to find you a sweater vest!!
Who knew you would get a Disney Calendar there, too :( Looks sooo much cuter than the one I sent you. Hate.
Anyway, I'm counting down the days until Jonathan and I get to see you at your new place!!!!
PS - what the hell am I doing up at 9 AM on a Saturday?!??!!
Good Good You looks so PRO.!
Hahahaha 跟妳講一個小秘密,
very nice ensemble :o)
i can't believe they actually specify the color of your socks - but, from one dork to another, the folders rock!
you are looking soooooo porfessional~!!!
我們三個跟你親愛的把拔一起去看Blood Diamond 你把拔好喜歡唷~ 還一直較WAWA姊回台灣的時候幫他買DVD~ 好開心唷~我們還約好下禮拜一起去吃老華西街~ 你不用擔心你把拔~他在我們的騷擾之下還過的不錯拉~ 不過我想他因該很想念妳~ 我們也都很想你唷~!!! 加油~GOGOGO~!!!
酷耶!!!Disney folder也太可愛了吧!!
Disney Folder 給PingLi, 日曆給我!
Great work.
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