Hello my lovelies!! ^_^ I'm backkkkkkk!! Welcome again!
Sorry for not writing a new post for so long, but it's because I've been EXTREMELY busy here with work. For example, I worked until 12am last night, and then tonight (and also tomorrow too) I will be working from 4:30pm until 1am... T_T''
Anyway, here's some random pics that I want to show with you guys, mostly regarding my time here with Sabrina and Ah Wing. I'm soooo glad that these two are with me here in Florida; I would have never came here by myself, and the three of us all take great care of each other. We share the chores here too, for example I cook, Ah Wing washes the dishes, and Sabrina does random food chores, such as making us sandwiches for lunch next day or making us food if we're hungry after getting off work They both are extremely hilarious, mostly because of being too naive (vicky knows alllllll about this, haha) and very optimistic, and it is wonderful to be able to spend so much time with them here. We're so cute! hehehe, Kawaii-ne ^.0

[P] After grocery shopping Wal-Mart, Sabrina is happy that we have fooooooood!!! hahaha, yay (by the way, this pic is quite old. It was actually taken on the first day when we arrived here, haha. Sorry for the late post!)

[P] Sabrina at the drawer of her rooom

[P] Ah Wing trying to dodge my camera because she's in her pajamas, haha ^^

[P] Preparing the food I'm about to cook ^.0

[P] Me cooking!! and no nooo vicky, i know that it's a lot of food, but it's not just for me. Since the other two don't know how to cook, I'm the only one that's left... how lucky... un jotta ahjushi... -_-''

[P] Still cooking... I feel like a mom with 2 kids, haha...T.T

[P] The finished product!!!!! Soooo delicious!!! mashitta!!! mmm mmm goood!!!! And very healthy too! There's eggs, there's meat, there's mushrooms, and there's vegetables. Gosh, I'm so good!!!

[P] hehehe, even though Sabrina can't cook, she can make easy stuff, such as this sandwich for us. Very good! yumyum!

[P] haha, after a hard day's work, Sabrina is tireddddd and even fell asleep still wearing her glasses, hahahaha ^_^

[P] Below, hahaha, close up of Sabrina sleeping ^.^